Friday, April 18, 2008

Virtual Field Trips-Applications for Science Classes

How would you like to take your students to the Galapagos Islands or Costa Rica for a study on ecosystems, speciation, or the rainforests? How about a trip to NASA to watch the latest Space Shuttle launch? Have you ever dreamed of taking your science students on a trip to the Museum of Natural History, to the Smithsonian Institute, or to Disney’s Wild Kingdom? Location, lack of money, and time take away the ability for schools to take their students on field trips. New technologies allow students to explore the world without leaving the traditional classroom, and allow virtual students to do the same.

Watch the news story about virtual science field trips posted on Science Daily.


If you do a Google search for Virtual Field Trips, you will find all sorts of sites of field trips. Here are just two I found:

Virtual field trips can use real actors visiting real places, and may be supplemented with animations, movies, and games. The students are given opportunities to learn new words and explore new environments, and if based on existing books, give students more incentive to read. Using virtual field trips also increases visual literacy, which is defined as the ability to discriminate and interpret visual actions, objects, and other images, while gaining meaning from them. The use of visuals in instructional design is almost mandatory in our culture of increasing visual orientation. When designing curriculum and delivery systems, the way students learn and the styles with which they learn must be considered. The proliferation of the new technologies available to the general public as well as students makes me wonder whether our traditional modes of instruction are keeping pace with the rapid evolution of technology. Why not use virtual field trips, especially when the alternative may be out-of-date textbooks and videos?

Another related story discusses the use of virtual labs.


The story reviews a virtual reality website from the University of Virginia. Often small budget experiments and textbooks don’t allow science teachers to get their point across to the students. With a virtual reality experiment, students get to see what the words mean. Visual learners are given the chance to see concepts of science and understand them better. Virtual reality experiments can show things to students that are usually unseen, such as magnetic fields, electricity, and atomic structure.

Find the UVa website at:

The Virtual School vs. the Physical School

Now that I have been a “student” in the virtual school studying sixth grade science, I thought it would be an interesting exercise to compare their curriculum with that of my own physical school. I spent the morning browsing through our school’s curriculum map for sixth grade, focusing on the first unit. The material covered includes lab skills, lab safety, science tools, the metric system, and the steps of the scientific method. The virtual school’s first module (as described in an earlier blog) covers an introduction, safety, scientific processes, the scientific method, what is science, and what is a scientist.

Here is one of the activities our students do in sixth grade that introduces the scientific method (please forgive the formatting-conversion to blog):

Name: _______________________
Subject: __________ Section: ____
Date: ________________________

The Steps of the Scientific Method

Matching: Laboratory activities and experiments involve the use of the scientific method. Listed in the left column are the names of the parts of the method. The right column contains definitions. Next to the word in the left column, write the letter of the definition that best matches.

_______Hypothesis A. Observations, measurements and
calculations made during an experiment

_______Experiment B. A question that leads to the
development of an experiment

_______Conclusion C. A prediction of the outcome of an
experiment based on the research

_______Problem D. A step-by-step procedure to test a

_______Analysis E. Gathering information about the topic

F. The part of the method in which the hypothesis is either
accepted or rejected

_______Research G. a discussion of the results and a
comparison to find out what was
discovered from the experiment

_______Data H. An evaluation of the process to see what changes could be made if the experiment were to be
A closer look at the method: Read the following sentences and then answer the questions.

1. A scientist is walking by the ocean and notices that fresh water from the roof of a building is hanging in icicles but the sea water that is in pools near the shoreline is not frozen. The scientist wonders why.
2. The scientist goes to the library and reads a number of articles about the physical properties of solutions and the composition of sea water.
3. After considering this information the scientist writes the following in the logbook: “If there is salt present in water, then the freezing point of the water will be lowered.”
4. The scientist goes back to the laboratory and does the following:
a. Fills each of two beakers with 1 Liter of fresh water
b. Dissolves 35 grams of table salt in one of the beakers
c. Places both beakers in a refrigerator whose temperature is -1oC
d. Leaves the beakers in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
5. After 24 hours the scientist examines both beakers and finds the fresh water to be frozen and the salt water is still liquid. The scientist records this in the logbook.
6. The scientist writes in the logbook: “It appears as if the salt water freezes at a lower temperature than the fresh water. Therefore, I suggest that the reason sea water freezes at a lower temperature is that sea water contains dissolved salts while fresh water does not.”
7. The scientist continues: “I accept the hypothesis that salt lowers the freezing point of water, because the fresh water froze at 0oC and the salt water did not.”
8. Finally the scientist suggests that the experiment could be repeated using actually sea water and comparing it to the salt water that has the same density to see if they freeze at the same temperatures.


A. Which statement describes a recommendation? __________
B. Which statement refers to research? __________
C. Which sentence contains a hypothesis? __________
D. Which statement describes an experiment? __________
E. Which statement forms a conclusion? __________
F. Which statement discusses an analysis? __________
G. In which statement is the problem defined? __________
H. Which statement involves the recording of data? __________

I will not publish at this site the copywritten material from the virtual school, but I will say that the introductions to the scientific method by both schools are similar and comparable. The virtual school sends the student to websites to read about the scientific method, and then asks similar questions to those above in an assessment that is submitted to the virtual school teacher. The student is free to explore other pages of the website, as well as other various links.

After looking at the virtual school sixth grade science curriculum for the past two months and comparing it to my own school’s sixth grade science curriculum, I feel confident that the two are comparable. Both sets of curriculum are interesting, engaging, and age-appropriate. The content is current, up-to-date, and makes science fun and relevant for the students. The sixth graders at my school are able to interact with each other on a daily basis in groups for labs, activities, and discussions. Doing labs in science is very important to me; so is student interaction. Virtual students can do labs in their school and do have opportunities to interact with their peers, but just in a different way. I have written about the pros and cons of doing online labs and doing labs at home with school-supplied or home-supplied materials. Virtual students at the school I have been studying do get to do labs at home, so this requirement has been met in my mind. Students also have the chance to interact with each other during Elluminate! sessions, and in special activities, such as the Virtual Recess (see March 18). Obviously, there are tremendous social differences between a virtual school and a physical school. Students, parents, and teachers have found ways to accommodate these differences with other social activities. While virtual schooling will not work for every student, there certainly seems to be a place for these schools in our educational society.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Real People Doing Real Science

Here is a novel approach to online virtual labs. A scientist recreates an actual experiment that he or she is involved in and makes it available for student use online. The scientist provides background information on a topic, an explanation of their observations, and how they set up their experiment. The student can read the original research paper, do the experiment, collect the data, and analyze and submit the data, all online. The laboratories I found in the following website are probably suitable for high school or college courses, but I can envision an adaptation of the format for middle school or even late elementary school. I will describe such an adaptation at the end of this submission.

Go to
to view the virtual lab entry port. There are over 30 virtual labs available, under the titles “Real People Doing Real Science”. I have chosen one of the labs to describe in greater detail. This lab teams students up with Louise Guillette of the University of Florida, who is studying the effects of pollutants on the development of male and female alligators. To see the summary of his study, go to:

The main menu has 6 buttons to linking the student to these areas for exploration: Explore the Issue Being Investigated
Gain an Overview of the Experiment
Read the Original Research Paper
Meet the Investigator
Run a Virtual Experiment Exploring the Original Paper
Readings and Additional Resources

If you click on the button to run the virtual experiment, here’s what happens. You are given a question with observations to be used in forming a hypothesis. The student clicks on the 6 numbered buttons to read the observations. Then a button appears directing students to form a hypothesis, which is given to the student. The student then goes to “set up experiment”. Here the student moves the cursor under the names of 7 of Florida’s lakes and clicks the lake. A E/A (estrogen/androgen) ratio dot for female alligators appears on the graph for each lake. The student selects the analyze button, and a bar graph is drawn. The student repeats the steps for male alligators. The final step allows students to draw conclusions from the analysis of the data. There are 5 conclusions presented; the student chooses the best conclusion, and submits to the website for assessment.

I have a former elementary science student (class of 02) who is a seasoned biologist, environmentalist, and digital photographer. He, along with a videographer and a doctoral student in plant ecophysiology from UCB, have received a grant from National Geographic to go to Costa Rica this summer to study the plants and animals of the cloud canopy. They are researching the effects of possible global warming on the organisms that live in the cloud canopies of the rainforests. My student approached me earlier this school year to see if I would act as his educational consultant on the project. The team hopes to produce video downloads or DVD’s for students in elementary schools to learn about this delicate ecosystem. I hope to work with them to design the content in such a way to create virtual labs for student use. I would like to tailor the curriculum to the late elementary/middle school levels, and design virtual labs in a similar fashion to the one described above.

If you would like to see some of my student’s amazing and incredible photographs of the wildlife of the everglades and the birds of Australia, visit his website at:
He has an unfinished link for “Canopy in the Clouds”. Visit in the fall of ’08 after the project is completed.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Useful Websites for the Virtual Science Classroom

One thing I have learned from working with the virtual school is that are an infinite number of websites available that can complement science lessons. Sometimes the most difficult challenge is finding them, organizing them, and utilizing them. I have already written about the virtual labs, this portion is dedicated to a review of some of the other websites I have found that could be used by a virtual science classroom. I chose to review Earth Science websites, as I am sharing this page with two of my colleagues as well.

Geology Labs Online
This website allows the user to study virtual rivers, dating, and earthquakes, setting up locations and data. Global warming and earthquake labs are also available.

Mineralogy Database
This mineral database contains 4,442 individual mineral species descriptions with links and a comprehensive image library.

Largest Mineral Database
This database is the largest mineral database and mineralogical reference website on the internet. This site contains worldwide data on minerals, mineral collecting, mineral localities and other mineralogical information.

High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment
The HiRISE Online Image Viewer allows on-line users to select HiRISE imaged sites off a global map of Mars and "zoom in" and pan on the HiRISE image to see the surface of Mars as we've never seen it before.

University of California Museum of Paleontology
The UCMP website contains thousands of pages of content about the history of life on Earth.

The Geo-Time Machine
The Geo-Time-Machine (GTM) is a 3D computer-graphics learning tool that helps you understand relative geologic time.

Web Geologic Time Machine
Here you can journey through the history of the Earth, with stops at particular points in time to examine the fossil record and stratigraphy.

The Universe-Animation and Video
The animations and videos are designed to enhance the understanding of the astronomy concepts presented in Universe.

Kid Wind Project
This guide is designed to help a beginner, or an expert, explore wind energy science through a wide a variety of engaging activities and materials.

Learn About Volcanoes
This website addresses frequently asked questions about volcanoes.

USGS and Science Education
The U.S. Geological Survey provides scientific information intended to help educate the public about natural resources, natural hazards, geospatial data, and issues that affect our quality of life. Discover selected online resources, including lessons, data, maps, and more, to support teaching, learning, education (K-12), and university-level inquiry and research.

Water Environment Federation
Designed for use by teachers, non-formal educators, and water quality professionals, The Water Sourcebook series covers today's most important water environment topics.

Energy Kid's Page
A website full of energy facts, energy fun and games, energy classroom activities, and energy links.

Planet Science
Free online science resource cite for students, teachers, and parents.

Soil Science Basics
Website that introduces soil, soil chemistry, soil physics, and soil microbiology.

The Encyclopedia of Earth
A website devoted to "everything on earth" written by experts in various fields.

National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
This is my favorite website, especially for tracking hurricanes.

These websites would be useful in studies of earth science, and related topics. In most cases, the websites would be suitable for elementary, middle, and high school virtual (or other) science courses. I intentionally left out websites I felt were more suitable for the college level science courses.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

My First Online Science Module

I have completed my first module of sixth grade science, an introduction to the course, to science, and to the scientific method. During the process, I got to simulate being the student, read the lessons contained in 9 documents, completed and submitted the assignments. Most of the documents included a portion known as “extreme upload”, which further detailed the lesson. For example, in the lesson on the scientific method, the extreme upload included a Wikipedia link to website that gave the steps of the scientific method, and links to a website from a school in Illinois that gave a great deal of attention to what the scientific method is all about. Please see:

The lesson also directed the student to learn about some “extreme” inventions, such as roller blades, mountain bikes, safety helmets, etc. and linked each to interesting websites to learn about these inventions. As a student, I was asked to pick one item and do some research on it from the website. The entire process went smoothly, and all of the links worked correctly. Several of the lessons had corresponding documents to upload as assessments to be graded by the teacher. Students learned how to open the “ex-File” document, how to name it and save it as a RTF file, how to fill it out, and how to upload it. The directions given to the students for completing assessments were clear and easy to follow.

One assignment caught my interest. The students were asked “What is a scientist?” They were asked to describe a scientist, and then were asked to fill out an informative table that organized information gathered from researching three different inventors or scientists. The students were directed to three excellent websites of inventors: Women Inventors A-Z, Black Inventors A-Z, and Famous Hispanic Inventors A-Z. I was very happy to see students learning about science and diversity during this lesson. The table was easy to fill out, and should not cause any students difficulties.

The final assessment prior to a module test was a summary chart. Students filled in the topic of each of 8 of the lessons, and wrote down in their own words 3 concepts they learned in each lesson. If students did not know how to change font size or text box sizes, this project may give them a little trouble. There is a test on the module, but I did not have access to it.

The entire first module provided an excellent introduction to the online learning environment, to science, scientists, and the scientific method. The computer procedures were clearly stated, the pages were easy to navigate through, the document uploads were quick and efficient, and websites all worked. As stated before, I might add a laboratory for the students to complete at home. I believe a student completing this module through a virtual school would receive information comparable to what they would learn in a traditional classroom.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Tremendous Resource

I was reading a chapter written by two of our university professors on virtual science classrooms. This chapter is from a book on the use of technology in secondary science classrooms.

Reference: Dana, T. & Ferdig, R.E. (2008). The virtual science classroom. In R. Bell, J. Gess-Newsome, & J. Luft (Eds.), Technology in the Secondary Science Classroom (pp. 83-90). Arlington, VA: National Science Teachers Association Press.

In the chapter, the authors mention Merlot, which stands for Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching. Merlot is “a leading edge, user-centered, searchable collection of peer reviewed and selected higher education online learning materials”. You can find Merlot at

Some of my fellow students have been finding it difficult to find quality information regarding online and virtual education in their content areas. I would recommend that you visit Merlot for some great resources. For example, the collection includes learning materials on the following broad subjects: Art, business, education, humanities, mathematics, statistics, science and technology, and social science. For example, in the science and technology section, I found many excellent sites for online and virtual science education. For example, the Virtual Chemistry Lab is a place where students can perform virtual chemistry experiments. In one lab, students collect pH and concentration data on unknown acids to identify them. There is a place to submit the answer, and the website checks the answer and supplies feedback to the student. Another interesting website is the eSkeletons Project, which is a simulation site where bones can be viewed, and species compared. A third virtual location is Neuroscience for Kids. This is a site where students and teachers can do experiments, activities, and games that teach about the nervous system. These are just three of thousands of interesting sites that relate to science.

Merlot also sponsors the Journal of Online Teaching and Learning (see JOLT is “a peer-reviewed, online publication addressing the scholarly use of multimedia resources in education”. Topics may include learning theory, use of multimedia, online learning, teaching initiatives, use of technology in online education, etc. Today I found an excellent position paper on technology-enhanced science education, with included a digital resource library of valuable IT resources for use in science education. Please see:

You can become a member of Merlot by going to the main webpage listed at the top of this article and creating your own member account. Membership would allow you to submit publications and share advice and expertise about education with expert colleagues. I recommend that you spend some time investigating Merlot for your subject area.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Help! I’m Back in Middle School!

I am now “officially” taking a sixth grade science course through a virtual school. What an interesting experience, and certainly much better than I remember my sixth grade science being. I also teach two different sixth grade science lab courses (separate from the students’ regular sixth grade science courses), so I am familiar with the age group and the standard curriculum.

The course is themed around Extreme Games (not the real name) and is divided into 8 modules, designed to be completed in one school year. I have begun the first module which is the introductory module. In this module, a student receives information on their yearly agenda, chooses their pace (regular or accelerated-finish in one semester), and their level (standard or advanced-shows up as advanced on final transcript). This is also where the parents receive, sign, and fax in the safety contract, assuring the school that all at-home laboratories will be properly supervised.

Students are introduced to scientific processes, inferences and observations, the scientific method, what is science and what is a scientist. I have completed most of the assignments for module 1. Some of the assignments are graded instantly, such as questions that have multiple choice answers. The student clicks on the answer and submits the page. Some assignments require short answers, which the teacher has to grade. I can access my own grade book at any time, and track my progress. Some assignments can be corrected and resubmitted.

Here are some of my thoughts regarding my first experiences as a sixth grade on-line science student. First, I thought the experience was fun, easy, and worked well. The theme of the course is age-appropriate and not old-fashioned or out of date. The lessons covered in this unit were comparable to the sixth grade lessons we use at my school. The level seems appropriate and the content reflective of current sixth grade state science standards (The Nature of Science). If I were a sixth grader, I might have felt a little intimidated submitting my first assignment (I remember feeling intimidated submitting my first paper online in graduate school). I think the student would quickly become comfortable with the format, finding it easy to use. The web pages are clean, easy to read, and easy to follow. I would recommend that a student use high speed internet over dial up for the virtual school.

There are two recommendations I have for this module. Since the students are not meeting face to face with the teacher or their peers, they do not have the opportunity to discuss the concepts learned in the module. Perhaps there is or could be an online session where the students and teachers can IM discussions with each other. I would also recommend the students try an experiment at home that applies the use of the scientific method (if there is one, I did not find it). Here is an experiment our sixth grade science students do in class that could easily be done at home (please forgive the formatting-it was copied and pasted from a curriculum map attachment):

Name______________________________ Class____________ Section_______ Date________


Determine Group Roles: Place a checkmark beside your role.
_____ Leader- Direct the sequence of steps for the lab; make sure everyone in the group is participating, keep the group on task.
_____ Supplier- Get all the supplies/materials for the lab; clean up after lab
_____ Recorder- Act as a scribe for your group
_____ Quiet captain-Keep your group’s volume down
_____ EVERYONE- Conduct the experiment, record data, and help one another

Problem: Is there a difference in the wet strength of various brands of paper towels?

Research: Questions to consider: What brand of paper towels do you use at home? What kind of paper towel commercials have you seen?

Hypothesis: Which paper towel brand will be the strongest? (If… then…)

Materials: Three different brands of paper towels, large paper clips, masking tape, scissors, droppers, water, washers of equal weight
1. Tape one end of each paper towel strip to the edge of a table.
2. Place a piece of masking tape at the bottom of each paper towel strip.
3. Bend a large paper clip into a hook and poke it through the masking tape at the bottom of each paper towel strip.
4. Lift the strip and hold it parallel to the floor as you place 10 drops of water on the center of the strip.
5. Allow the strip to hang from the table and place a washer on the hook.
6. Continue adding washers until the strip breaks.
7. Record the number of washers that the strip supported BEFORE breaking at the wet area.
8. Repeat this process until you have done this for each paper towel strip.
9. Repeat the entire process for scientific results.

Paper Towel Brand # of Washers
(Trial 1) # of Washers
(Trial 2) Average # of Washers

(there should be a table here)

Analysis: (answer with complete sentences)
1. What brand of paper towels held the most amount of washers? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What brand of paper towels held the least amount of washers?

3. What was the average number of washers supported by ALL the brands of paper towels? _____________________________________________________

Conclusion: (answer with complete sentences)
1. Do you accept or reject your hypothesis? Why? ________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Evaluation: (answer with complete sentences)
1. Why do you think this lab required you to conduct two trials for each brand of paper towel? _____________________________________________________

2. What are some factors that could have altered the results of your experiment?

3. If you were repeating this experiment, what changes would you make?

In conclusion, I found my first experiences in the virtual science classroom to be very engaging, interesting, and fun. I am looking forward to continuing my role as a sixth grade science student.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

How About a Hybrid?

I have been doing a lot of thinking, reading, and talking with folks about the feasibility of using virtual labs in a high-end course such as Advanced Placement Biology. As documented before, the College Board had ruled that AP students must have guided hands-on (not virtual) laboratory experiences. This ruling has since been rescinded, as new developments in online learning may merit AP endorsements.

What do educational professionals think? I had the chance yesterday to talk with two such people: A current AP Biology private school teacher, and the science curriculum coordinator for the virtual school I am studying. These conversations have given me a pretty clear view of the issue. The AP Biology teacher is a 16-year veteran of the course, who runs her course in a traditional AP fashion. Her students conduct all 12 required AP Bio labs, in additional to other added labs. She reports that one of the four essays on the AP exam is usually about one of the 12 labs, and that most of the other labs are directly referred to in the exam (therefore the labs are IMPORTANT). When I asked her if she felt there was a place for virtual labs or simulations in an AP course, her answer surprised me. She said that she would use virtual labs for special circumstances (such as a student being absent on lab days). She also stated that if a lab was particularly difficult and if she had time, she would like to have students run through the virtual experience prior to doing the real thing; it could also be used as a lab practical. She did say that she feels strongly that students learn more and better by running the actual lab rather than a simulation.

How about the virtual school? My conversation with the school’s science curriculum coordinator was eye-opening. First, he told me that the College Board will NOT approve a 100% virtual lab for AP Bio. His school DOES have College Board approval, and to the best of his knowledge, always has. The way they received this approval was by forming a HYBRID of sorts between virtual labs and actual labs. As the curriculum for the school was created, the designers looked the AP Bio manual from the College Board. They decided that the safer labs could be done in the student’s home with school-supplied materials and parent-supplied supervision. For labs with dangerous or hazardous materials, the students are provided with virtual simulations. The school provides each student with a textbook (they currently use Campbell Biology text, ? edition) which comes with a CD of all of the simulations. This is a first-year college biology text that most high school AP Bio courses use. The school also uses subscription sites that show the simulations (the school does not use the SmartScience subscription I described in an earlier blog).

Right now, the school only offers AP Biology; they do not offer AP Chemistry, Environmental Science, or Physics. The school has one AP Biology teacher, who services close to 200 students each year. The curriculum coordinator reports that the students are expected to take the AP Biology exam in May; most of the students do take the exam. The student signs up for the exam through College Board and takes the exam at their neighborhood high school. The coordinator happily reported that their student’s scores are above the state average.

So, my final answer is this: If the AP Biology course is taught in a traditional school, do all of the labs physically, and supplement them with simulations and virtual labs. If a high school does not offer AP Biology for whatever reason, then they should be able to and allowed to take it through a virtual school. The virtual school should make every attempt to allow students to do as much of the lab work physically at home with school-supplied lab materials; the rest should be done online. The students should take the AP exam at the end of the year. This HYBRID model is working with the virtual school I am studying.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Limitations of Virtual Science Laboratories

To be fair, while considering the positive attributes of virtual science laboratories, one must also consider the limitations of virtual science laboratories as well. The NSTA states that the laboratory experience is so integral to the nature of science that it must be included in every science program. Inquiry-based laboratory investigations at every level should be at the core of the science program and should be woven into every lesson and concept strand. To view the NSTA position statement on the role of the laboratory in the science program, please see the link for the NSTA at:

The first limitation is that there are some labs completed in science that cannot be replicated online or on a CD-rom. In my science class today, my students dissected a 12” squid. I have paper versions of the dissection that the students may use for directions and guidance. I also have a CD-rom called BioLab Invertebrate which contains external and internal anatomies of the squid. But there is nothing quite like the smell of fresh bait squid or even of squid soaked in formaldehyde. I will say that the BioLab products are the best out there, in my opinion. Besides the BioLab Invertebrate program (virtual dissection of the earthworm, starfish, crayfish, and squid), there are also BioLab virtual dissections of the frog, the fish, the pig, and the cat. These are animals typically dissected in middle school and high school science classes. These products may be ordered from Carolina Math & Science, at Any computer-based learning method will sacrifice the visual, olfactory, and kinesthetic aspects of a traditional laboratory, and thus give up some learning opportunities.

Another related limitation is that by using virtual labs instead of hands-on labs, students will not get the experience handling equipment, measuring devices, glassware, etc. Here is another example. Yesterday, I had the chance to watch Forensic Science students (11th and 12th grade) learn how to perform a gel electrophoresis lab. The directions were very detailed, and the instructor walked the students carefully through the lab. There were several steps that were tricky, requiring precision accuracy. While these steps can be practiced virtually using the University of Utah’s website detailed in a previous blog (see link at,
I can see the tremendous value in having the students physically perform the laboratory.

That leads to another limitation, which is mentioned in the NY Times article already referenced in this blog:
The College Board feels that some professors who admit virtual school A.P. science students into their programs never having used real equipment. And remember, if a student passed an A.P. exam, they would enter into a second semester or second year college science course, having already received credit for the introductory course covered by the A.P. course. Would these students be at a disadvantage behind peers who have already mastered lab skills required for upper division science courses, especially if they were science majors?

Another limitation falls under the category of assessment. How do you evaluate a lab with no equipment? How do you accredit courses using labs with no equipment? It may also be expensive and time-consuming to develop a virtual lab that includes all possible variables in the lab. A situation may come up where students desire a parameter for their lab that has not been included in the computer programming.

While it is true that virtual science laboratories have several limitations, the positive attributes meet the requirements set forth by such associations as the NSTA, and are viable alternatives to traditional school labs. Please share any thoughts you have here.